About Charolais

Among all pure-bred animal breeds, the owners of herds under supervision most frequently select suckler cows of the Charolais breed and also KOLUMBI has selected this breed for the reason that it is suitable for breeding in the climate conditions of Latvia, calving is usually easy and in 95 per cent of cases without any assistance.

First calving age of the Charolais suckling cows at the farm is 25.6 months. The average live-weight at the first calving for suckling cows varies between 720 kg up to 750 kg. The interlactation period (i.e., the period before calving) is up to 2 months if the suckler cow is in good health. Young bovine animals of the Charolais breed that are sold for breeding reach sexual maturity already from the age of 1 year as they are kept under appropriate conditions and are fed according to their physiological needs and have a balanced diet. Most young bovine animals reach the live-weight of 600 kg and more already at the age of 1 year.


Live-weight at birth

Adjusted live-weight at the age of 200 days

Adjusted live-weight at the age of 365 days

Live-weight increase per 24 hours from the date of birth up to the age of 200 days

Live-weight increase per 24 hours from the date of birth up to the age of 365 days


47,6 kg

286,5 kg 465,3 kg 1422,8 g 1261,3 g


50,2 kg 330,7 kg 545,2 kg 1596,0 g 1448,8 g

The Charolais herd is formed carefully. Around 50 various unrelated lines have been formed and each year artificial insemination is used on around 30 suckling cows.